Friday, May 23, 2008

The Joke's on You

Last weekend was the Preakness, and Big Brown was indeed victorious. (No, we aren't bitter that Tres Borrachos didn't win...It's not like we put big bucks on him or anything.) But as for the winner of last week's Game Time, we have to give it to Max. (But I mean, come on! He should change his name to Doce Borrachos, so then his number will match where he finishes in races!) A few weeks ago Max nominated Big Brown as a silly horse name. And since our question was which of the horse names from that contest would win the Preakness, it turns out Max's did. So, even though he did not play this week, he wins.

Anyway, earlier this week, Johnny told us that jokes are overrated (and that Story Time is easy to forget about.) So, in our never-ending mission to make life more jovial, we are trying to un-overrate jokes, with your help.

Think of a better punchline to the following joke.

How does the prisoner call home?

The real answer is: With his cell phone.

Our new answer: With the one phone call he can make before being thrown in jail.

What is your answer?


  1. How does the prisoner call home?
    Casa. He is an Hispanic prisoner.

  2. He can't call from his cell so he calls from his "NextCell"

  3. He Sprints out of the joint
